"...l'humaine sagesse était tout entière dans ces deux mots: ATTENDRE et ESPÉRER!" Edmund Dantès
Wilde, P. and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 2007, Paradoxes and perceptions in color identification of paleo-redox conditions in peletic rocks from diagenic to metamorphic grade submitted to International Journal of Geology, 4 March 2011.
Wilde, P. 2007, Redox zonation in the Phanerozoic Anoxic Ocean, Part I Chemical Oceanographic Model Working draft. Part II Interactive model for the Biotic Ocean "under construction"
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Wilde, P. 2010, Supervolcanoes in the Mid-Pacific Mountains Abstract and poster presented at
American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13 December, 2010Power Point Presentation
Wilde, P. and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 2008, Elemental Chemical Zonation of Black Shales Revisited -- Application to Petroleum Source Rocks Abstract presented at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 2008Power Point Presentation
Wilde, P., M. S. Quinby-Hunt and T. W. Lyons, 2005, Sulfur Proxies in type III Black Shales: Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Sc, Expanded Abstract Siever Symposium: Salt Lake Geological Society of America Meeting, October, 2005.Power Point Presentation
Wilde, P. and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 2005, Redox Zonation in the Anoxic Ocean, Abstract and Vertical Calculator: for Earth System Processes 2, Calgary, Canada, August, 2005.Wilde, P. and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 2005, Centaurs and Icy Body impacts on Ocean volumes and chemistry through time, Abstract EGU05-A-05950 given at European Geosciences Union Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 25, 2005.
Power Point Presentation of Poster Wilde, P., T. W. Lyons and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 2004, Organic proxies in Black Shales: Molybdenum: Chemical Geology, v. 206, p. 167-176.
Perry, D. L., G. Molnar, Zs. Revay, Zs. Kasztovszky, R. C. Gatti, R. B. Firestone and P. Wilde, 2002, Neutron-Induced prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) of metals and non-metals in ocean floor geothermal vent-generated samples, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, v. 17, p. 32-37.
Wilde, P., M.S. Quinby-Hunt and T.W. Lyons, 2001, Molybdenum as an indicator of original organic content in ancient anoxic sediments. Geological Society of American Abstracts with Program, v. 33, no. 6, A39.
Wilde, P. and M.S. Quinby-Hunt, 1998, Gas Hydrate modelling in the Lower Paleozoic and the onset and termination of glacial events (extended Abstract), Mineralogical Magazine, v. 62A, p. 1658-1659
Wilde, P. and M.S. Quinby-Hunt, 1997, Collisions with ice-volatile objects: Geological implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 132, no 1-4, p. 47-63
Wilde, P., M.S. Quinby-Hunt and B.-D. Erdtmann, 1997, Prediction of Potentially Metalliferous Organic-Rich Shales Locales Using Paleo-Oceanographic and Paleo-Geographic Techniques: In Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration Where do they meet? H. Papunen (ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 125-128..
Wilde, P. and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 1997, Remobilization of Metal Ions during Remedial Clean-up: Fourth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals, 23-26 June 1997, Berkeley, California, Iskandar, I. K., Hardy, S. E., Chang, A. C., and Pierzynski, G. M. (eds.) Proceedings Volume, p. 339-340.
Wilde, P. and M.S. Quinby-Hunt, 1997, Methane clathrate outgassing and anoxic expansion in Southeast Asian deeps due to global warming. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: v. 44, p. 149-153.
Wilde, P., M. S. Quinby-Hunt and B.-D. Erdtmann, 1996, The whole-rock cerium anomaly: a potential indicator of eustatic sea-level changes in shales of the anoxic facies: Sedimentary Geology, v. 101, p. 43-53.
Quinby-Hunt, M. S. and P. Wilde. 1996, Chemical Depositional Environments of Calcic Black Shales: Economic Geology, v. 91, p. 4-13
Quinby-Hunt, M. S. and P. Wilde, 1994, Thermodynamic zonation in the black shale facies based on iron-manganese-vanadium content: Chemical Geology, v. 133, p. 297-317.
Wilde, P. W.B.N. Berry and M.S. Quinby-Hunt, 1991, Silurian oceanic and atmospheric circulation and chemistry, In The Murchinson Symposium; proceedings of an international conference on the Silurian System, M. G. Bassett, P. D. Lane, and D. Edwards, Special Papers in Palaeontology, v. 44, p. 123-143. (1991)
Wilde, P., 1991, Oceanography in the Ordovician: In Advances in Ordovician Geology (C. R. Barnes and S. H. Williams eds.) Canadian Geological Survey Paper 90-9, p. 283-298.
Quinby-Hunt. M.S. and P. Wilde, 1991, The provenance of low-calcic black shales: Mineralium Deposita, v. 26, p. 113-121.
Wilde, P., M. S. Quinby-Hunt, and W.B.N. Berry, 1990, Vertical advection from oxic or anoxic water from the main pycnocline as a cause of rapid extinction or rapid radiations: in Extinction Events in Earth History, E. G. Kauffman and O. H. Walliser (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin etc., p. 85-98.
Wilde, P. and Berry, W. B. N., 1982, Progressive Ventilation of the Oceans - Potential for Return to Anoxic Conditions in the Post-Paleozoic, in Nature and Origin of Cretaceous Carbon-Rich Facies, S. O. Schlanger and M. B. Cita (eds.), Academic Press, New York, p. 209-224.Dengler, A. T., P. Wilde, E. K. Noda and W. R. Normark, 1984, Turbidity Currents generated by Hurricane Iwa: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 4, p. 5-11.
Wilde, P. and Berry, W. B. N., 1984, Destabilization of the Oceanic Density Structure and its significance to marine "Extinction" events: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 48, p. 143-162.
Wilde, P., 1987, Model of progressive ventilation of the Late Precambrian-Early Paleozoic Ocean: American Journal of Science, v. 287, p. 442-459.
Dengler, A. T. Jr. and P. Wilde, 1987, Turbidity currents on steep slopes: Application of an avalanche-type numeric model for Ocean Energy Conversion design: Ocean Engineering, v. 14, p. 409-433.
Berry, W. B. N., P. Wilde and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 1989. Paleozoic (Cambrian through Devonian) anoxitropic biotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatololgy, Palaeoecology, v. 74: p. 3-13.
Quinby-Hunt, M. S., P. Wilde, C. J. Orth, and W.B.N. Berry, 1989, Elemental Geochemistry of Black Shales-Statistical Comparison of Low-Calcic Shales with Other Shales. In Metalliferous Black Shales and related Ore Deposits, R. I. Grauch and J. S. Leventhal (eds.), U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1037, p. 8-15
Wilde, P., M. S. Quinby-Hunt, W.B.N. Berry and C. J. Orth, 1989, Palaeo-oceanography and biogeography in the Tremadoc (Ordovician) Iapetus Ocean and the origin of the chemostratigraphy of Dictyonema flabelliforme black shales: Geological Magazine, v. 126, p. 19-27
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