*********** 012992A.CHM *********** Country: Japan This is the second of a three part message (I. Physical Oceanography; II. CHEMICAL OCEANOGRAPHY; III. Marine Geology and Geophysics) from the "Report of oceanographic studies in Japan for the period from 1987 to 1990" compiled by the Japanese for the XX IUGG meeting in Vienna (August 1991) provided through the courtesy of Tom Kinder. It is the most informative of the three, briefly discussing PROGRAMS, listing principal PLAYERS and INSTITUTIONS, and providing an extensive REFERENCE list. The studies are grouped in 14 categories: 1. General and Physical Oceanography studied with Chemistry; 2. Physical Chemistry; 3. Chemistry of Anoxic Water; 4. Analytical Chemistry; 5. Gases and Marine Atmosphere; 6. Trace Elements; 7. Radioisotopes; 8. Stable Isotopes; 9. Nutrients and Biochemistry; 10. Organic matter in Seawater; 11. Particulates and Sediment Trap Experiments; 12. Sediments; 13. Basalt and Hydrothermal Activity on the Ocean Floor; 14. Pollution. As with the others, I have only counted the references, but the complete listing is available upon request. ************* END Msg A.CHM *************