*********** +++++++++++++++++++++ 030696A.CHM + Source: ONR Asia + *********** +++++++++++++++++++++ Contributory Categories: BIO, PHY Country: Japan From: International Workshop on The Okhotsk Sea and Arctic The Physics and BioGeochemistry implied to the Global Cycles (Influence of Sea Ice on Climate and Marine Ecosystems) 29 Feb. - 1 March 1996, Tokyo, Japan KEYWORDS: Japan, Sea of Okhotsk; Isotopes, Tracers, Water Masses +++++ Items 1-3 this message, Items 4-5 next message Item 1: CHEMICAL OCEANOGRAPHY OF OKHOTSK SEA Item 2: NORTH PACIFIC INTERMEDIATE WATER STUDIED WITH CHEMICAL TRACERS: IS IT ORIGINATED IN THE OKHOTSK SEA? Item 3: AN ISOTOPIC STUDY ON SEA ICE IN THE SEA OF OKHOTSK ************** End Msg. A.CHM **************