*********** +++++++++++++++++++++ 050296B.CHM + Source: ONR Asia + *********** +++++++++++++++++++++ Contributory Categories: ENG,ENV,GEO Country: Japan From: Proceedings of the First (1995) ISOPE Ocean Mining Symposium Tsukuba, Japan 21-22 November 1996 ISBN: 1-880653-21-4 233 pp. KEYWORDS: Japan; Ocean Mining, ferro-managanese nodules, polymetallic sulfides. ***ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS WITH EACH ITEM*** +++++ Item 1 REDUCTION LEACHING OF MANGANESE NODULES WITH SODIUM SULFITE IN AMMONIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION K.-S. Choi and J.-W Sohn Korea Mining Promotion Corporation Seoul Korea Abstract The leaching characteristics of manganese nodules were investigated in ammonium chloride solution by using sodium sulfite as a reductant. Experiments were conducted in leaching of manganese, cobalt nickel, copper and iron using sodium sulfite in the ammonium chloride solution. It was found that the leaching behaviour of manganese, copper, cobalt and nickel depended on the amount of added sodium sulfate. The ratio of liquid to solid is impotant factor on the extraction of metals during leaching. The dissolution of manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper, and iron increased with the increase in ammonium solution and that in temperature of leachant. When the leachant pH was decreased, the leachability increased for each of the metals. The sodium sulfate has been found to be an effective reductant for extracting more than 95.8% of Mn, 93.5% of Ni, 98.5% of Cu, 89.1% of Co, 3.1% of Fe when leached in 5N NH4CL at 80 C for 2.5 hr. The dissolution rates of Mn, Ni and Cu are controlled by pore diffusion, while that of Fe is controlled by surface chemical reactions and that of Co is controlled by both the surface-chemical reaction and pore diffusion process. KEY WORD) : Manganese nodules sodium sulfite, leachability, pore diffusion, surface chemical reaction. References 1. Szabo, Lester J. (1976), 'Recovery of metal values from manganese deep sea nodules using ammoniacal cuprous leach solutions", US patent 3,983,l07. 2. Agarwal, J.C., Bamer, H.E.M Beecher, N. (1979), The cuprion process for ocean nodules", Chem. Eng. Prog. Vol 75, No 1, pp 59 -63 3. Das, R., Jena, P., (1987), "A process for the extraction of Cu, Ni and Co metal values from sea-bed nodules, Indian IN 160,536 4. Anand, S., Das S.C., Jena, P.K., (1988), 'Recovery of Cu, Ni, Co from deep-sea manganese nodules by ammoniacal leaching", Indian IN 162,452 5. Bhattacharya, I.N., Anand, S., Das, S.C., Das R.P. (1989), 'Ammonia leaching of manganese nodules in the nodule test plant". 'Trans. Indian Inst. Met. Vol 42, NO 4, pp 385 392 6. Okuwaki, A., Ito, H., Okabe, T. (1977), 'Study on the hydrometallurgy of manganese nodules", Nippon Kagaku Kaishi (in Japanese), Vol 10, pp 1462 1468 7. Rokukwa, N. (1990), 'Recovery of nickel, cobalt and copper from ocean manganese nodules with mixed solution of ammonium carbonate and ammonium sulfate, Shigen Lo Sozai (in Japanese), Vol 106, NO 4, pp 205-209 8. Bare, C.B., Pasquali, J.W. (19733), "Extracation of nickel, copper and cobalt from manganiferous ores", US. Patent 3,751,554 9. Han, K.N., Hoover, M., Fuerstenau, D.W. (1974), "Ammonia-an- imonium leaching of deep-sea manganese nodules', Int J. Miner. Process. Vol 1, NO 3, pp 2l5-230 10. Kanetova, D., Stofko, M., Kmet, S.(1985), 'Ammoniacal leaching for extraction of nonferrous metals from deep sea nodules', Int. J. Miner. Process. Vol 5, No 1, pp 145-153 11. Kawahara, M., Esaki, S., Shirane, Y. (1985), "Reduction roasting and ammnonia leaching of low grade manganese nodules', Nippon Kogyo Kaishi (in Japanese), Vol 101, NO 1170, pp 489-494 12. Kanungo, S. B., Jena, P.K. (1988), "Studies on the dissolution of metal values in manganese nodules of Indian Ocean origin in dilute hydrochloric acid.", Hydrometallurgy, Vol 21, pp 23-39 13. Sohn, H.Y., Wadswort, M.F., (1979), "Rate processes of extractive metallurgy, pp l33-186, Plenum Press (New York) +++++ Item 2 BIOLEACHING OF MARINE MANGANESE NODULES BY ACIDOPHILIC SULFUR-OXIDIZING BACTERIA Y Konishi and S Asai University of Osaka Prefecture Sakai, Osaka, Japan ABSTRACT A unique bioprocess is proposed for extracting metals from marine manganese nodules. In this bioleaching, sulfurous acid and sulfuric acid are biologically produced from elemental sulfur and simultaneously used as leaching agents to manganese nodules. In the leachability aspect of nodules, the thermophile "Acidianus brierleyi" growing on elemental sulfur at 65 C is more effective than the mesophile "Thiobacillus" species at 30 C, Leaching experiments with "A. brierleyi" were undertaken to optimize the conditions under which valuable metals in nodules arc solubilized during the bacterial growth on elemental sulfur. KEY WORDS: Manganese nodules, metals recovery, bioleaching, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, "Acidianus brierleyi", "Thiobacillus ferrooxidans", "Thiobacillus thiooxidans" REFERENCES Brierley, C.L. (1974). "Molybdenite-Lcaching: Use of a High-Temperature Microbe." J. Less-Common Metals, Vol. 36, pp 237-247. Fuerstenau, D.W., Herring, A.P., and Hoover, M.P. (1973). 'The Charatcrization and Extraction of Metals from Sea Floor Manganese Nodules." Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Pet. Eng., Vol. 254, pp 205-211. Fuerstenau, D.W.,and Han, K.N. (1983). "Metallurgy and Processing of Marine manganese Nodules." Min. Proc. Tech. Rev., Vol. 1, pp l-83. Konishi, Y., Takasaka, Y., and Asai, S. (1994). "Kinetics of Growth and Elemental Sulfur Oxidation in Batch Culture of "Thiobacillus ferrooxidans". " Biotechnol. Bioeng., Vol. 44, pp 667-673. Nakazawa, H., Kudo, N., Chen, M., and Sato, H. (1989). 'Bactcrial Leaching of Manganese Nodules.' J. MMIJ, Vol. 105, pp 470-474. Silverman, M.P., and Lundgren, D.G. (1959). 'Studies on the Chcmoautrophic Iron Bacterium "Ferrobarillus ferrooxidans".' J. Barteriol., Vol. 77, pp 642-647. Takakuwa, S., Nishikiwa, T., Hosoda, K., Tominaga, N., and Iwasaki, H. (1977). "Promoting Effect of Molybdate on the Growth of a Sulfur-Oxidizing bactcrium, "Thiobacillus thiooxidans."" J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., Vol. 23, pp 163-173. +++++ Item 3 CARBON DIOXIDE FIXING-TYPE HYDROGEN REDUCTION LEACHING OF DEEP- SEA OXIDE MINERALS USING A PT/PTFE CATALYST IN AMMONIUM CARBONATE SOLUTION AT MODERATE TEMPERATURE AND ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE T Konta, T. Ohkosh4 T Yoshioka and A. Okuwaki Tohoku University Sendai Japan ABSTRACT H2 reduction leaching of cobalt crust was carried out to study the optimum mixing conditions of NH3-(NHa4)2CO3-CuSO4, solutions. Cobalt and Ni was extracted 90% or higher in the 2M NH3-0.5M(NH4)2,CO3-.01M CuSO4 solution using a Pt catalyst loaded on polytetra-fluoroethylene (PTFE) under 60 C, 0.5 atm of H2 pressure, 3.3g/l of slurry concentration for 2-3h. KEY WORDS: cobalt crust, H2 reduction , hydrophobicity, ammonical leaching, Pt/PTFE, catalyst REFERENCES Okabe,T. and Okuwaki, A. Kagaku Kogyou, 30, pp 84 (1979a). Okabe,T and Okuwaki, A., Kagaku Kogyou, 30, pp 205 (1979b). Agarwal, J.C., Barner, H. E., Beecher, N., Davis, D.S., Kust, R. N., Preprint No.78-89B, for presentational the 1978 AIME Meeting, Denver, Colorado, Feb. 28-Mar. 2 (1978). Rokukawa,N. Shigen Sozai Gakkaishi, 108, pp 287 (1992). +++++ Item 4 LEACHING OF COBALT-RICH FERROMANGANESE CRUST WITH AMMONIACAL SOLUTIONS USING AMMONIUM SULFITE AND AMMONIUM THIOSULFATE AS REDUCING AGENTS M Niinae Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan C-H. Park Inha University, Inha, Korea Y Nakahira and T Wakanuitsu Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan J Shibata Kansai University, Suita, Osaka, Japan Abstract Preferential ammoniacal leaching of Co, Ni and Cu from cobalt rich ferromanganese crust under reducing conditions was performed using ammonium sulfite and/or ammonium thiosulfate as reducing agents. The effects of reducing agent concentration, initial pH, leaching time, temperature and the combined concentration of ammonium sulfitc and ammonium thiosulfaie on the extraction of Co, Ni, Cu, Mn and Fe were investigated. The extraction of Co, Ni and Cu with ammonium sulfite was better than that with ammionium thiosulfate. When ammonium sulfite was used as the reducing agent, Mn was precipitated and appeared in the residue as (NH4)2Mn(SO3)-H20. Key Words: Cobalt-Rich Ferromanganese Crust, Ammoniacal Leaching, Amnionium Sulfite, Ammonium Thiosulfite References Acharya, S (1991). "Rcdtictivc Ammonia Leaching of Manganese Nodules by Thiosulfate," Metal Trans B, Vol 22B, pp 259-261. Agarwal, J.C, Barner, H. E, Beecher, N, Davies, DS, and Kust, R N (1979). "Kennecott Process for Recovery of Copper, Nickel, Cobalt and Molybdenum from Ocean Nodules," Min Eng., Vol 31, pp 1704-1707 Allen, J P, Abercrombie, HL, and Rice, DA (1991). "Leaching and Recovery of Metals from Cobalt-Rich Manganese Ocean Crust," Miner & Metall Process, May, pp 97-104. Anand, S, Das, SC, Das, RP, and Jena, PK (1988). "Leaching of Manganese Nodules in Ammoniacal Medium Using Ferrous Sulfate as the Reductant," Metall Trans B, Vol 19B, pp 331-334. Das, RP, Anand, S, Das, SC, and Jena, PK (1986). "Leaching of Manganese Nodules in Ammoniacal Medium Using Glucose as Reductant, "Hydrometallurgy, Vol 16, pp 335-344. Fujii, Y, Mizota, T, and Kono, Y (1987). "Smelting of Marine Mineral Resources-Smelting of Cobalt Crust," Marine Science Monthly, Vol 19, pp 245-252. Han, KN, and Fuerstenau, DW (I 975). "Preferential Acid Leaching of Nickel, Copper and Cobalt from Ocean Floor Manganese Nodulrs," Trans Inst Min Metal, Vol 84C, pp 105 -110. Hardingr, H (1960). "Dry Grinding," Handbook of mineral Drevving Ores and Industrial Minerals, Taggart, AF, ed, John Wilcy and Sons, New York, pp 60-01-6-54. Kanungo, SB, and Jena, PK (1988a). "Studies on the Dissolution of Metal Values in Manganese Nodules of Indian Ocean Origin in Dilute Hydrochloric Acid," Hydrometallurgy, Vol 21, pp 23-39. Kanungo, SB, and Jena, PK (1988b). "Reduction Leaching of Manganese Nodules of Indian Ocean Origin in Dilute Hydrochloric Acid," Hydromeltallurgy, Vol 21, pp 41-58. Kanungo, SB, and Das, RP (1988). "Extraction of Metals from Manganese Nodules of the Indian Ocean by Leaching in Aqueous Solution of Sulphur Dioxide, Hdrometallurgy, Vol 20, pp 135-146, Kumar, V, Pandey, BD, and Bagchi, D (1991)."Application of LIX 84 for Separation of Coppcr, Nickel and Cobalt in Ammoniacal Leaching of Occan Nodules." Material Transactions, JIM, Vol 32, pp 157-163. Oktiwaki. A, Noda. Y, Ito, H, and Okabe, T (1974). "Leaching of Copper, Nickel, and Cobalt from Manganese Nodules with Anunonium Sulfitc Solution," Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, No 11, pp 2091-2084. Okuwaki, A, Ito, H, and Okabe, T (1977). "Extraction of Copper, Nickel, and Cobalt from Ocean Manganese Nodules by Aqueous Ammonia-Ammonium Salt-Carbohydrate Solution," Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, No 10, pp 1462-1468. Ossco-Asare, K, and Fuerstenau, DW (1979). "Adsorption Phenomena in Hydrometallurgy, 1. The Uptake of Copper, Nickel and Cobalt by Oxide Adsorbcnts in Aqueous Ammoniacal Solutions," Int J. Miner. Process, Vol 6, pp 85-104. Rokukawa, N (1992). "Extraction of Nickel, Cobalt and Copper from Ocean Cobalt Crusts with Ammioniacal Alkaline Solutions," Shigen-to-Sozai, Vol 108, pp 187-191. Rokukawa, N (1993). "Separation of Cobalt, Nickel and Copper from Ammioniacal Alkaline Leach Liquor of Cobalt Crusts by Solvent Extraction," Sigen-to-Sozai, Vol 109, pp 373-377. +++++ CMR Disclaimer================================================== This document could contain information all or part of which is or may be copyrighted in a number of countries. Therefore, commercial copying and/or further dissemination of this text is expressly prohibited without obtaining the permission of the copyright owner(s) except in the United States and other countries for certain personal and educational uses as prescribed by the "fair copy" provisions of that countries Copyright Statues. ================================================================ ************** END Msg. B.CHM **************