*********** +++++++++++++++++++++ 051396B.OAC + Source: ONR Asia + *********** +++++++++++++++++++++ Contributory Categories: BIO,ENG,ENV Country: Australia From: DSTO Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory PO Box 4331 Melbourne Victoria 3001 Telephone: (03) 626 8111 Fax: (03) 626 8999 @ Commonwealth of Australia 1995 AR No. 009-213 March 1995 KEYWORDS: Australia, Spencer Bay; Acoustic survey and Range, ambient noise, biogenic acoustic noise +++++ Part II/III SITE SURVEY FOR AN OCEAN ENGINEERING PROJECT IN SPENCER GULF NOVEMBER 1993 Ian S.F. Jones, Douglas H. Cato, L.J. Hamilton, Sandra Tavener an d B.D. Scott Maritime Operatio ns Division Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory DSTO-TR-014910. OVERVIEW OF AMBIENT NOISE RESULTS 10.1 General summary The above figure summarizes the components of ambient noise at the Wedge site, which may be taken as indicative of the general characteristics of the Spencer Gulf region. The total noise at any time is determined by summing the intensities of the components (not the decibel values). In the figure, averaged wind dependent noise spectra are shown for wind speeds of 5, 10, and 20 knots. These were determined from plots of noise as a function of wind speeds, as shown in Figs. 8.2 to 8.5 (IN ORGINIAL TEXT ONLY), by calculating regression lines on the data. The range of variability about the averages shown in the figure can be seen in these figures. At high wind speeds, this variability is least and about ñ 2 dB. It is greater at low wind speeds because of the variable contribution of non wind dependent noise to the data from which the regression lines were calculated. Wind dependent noise is the dominant and prevailing component of the ambient noise over the mid frequency range. It shows a greater rate of change with wind speed than usually observed in the open ocean, probably because of the much lower levels of non wind dependent noise contribution at lower wind speeds. The shapes of the wind dependent noise spectra are somewhat different to those measured in ocean waters around Australia, which show evidence of two components - one with a broad peak at about 500 Hz and one dominant below about 100 Hz with noise level increasing with decreasing frequency (Cato 1976 and 1978b ). The latter component results in high noise levels at low frequencies. In Spencer Gulf this low frequency component appears to be absent or very low, resulting in significantly lower wind dependent noise levels at low frequencies. For example, it is about 15 dB lower at 30 Hz for a wind speed of 2 knots t an off Perth (Jones, Cato, Hamilton and Scott 1992). Non wind dependent noise is the residual back-round noise from sources such as distant shipping and boats, biological noise, surf noise etc., when other identifiable noise components are absent. It is the dominant component at low frequencies (below 20 to 100 Hz, depending on conditions). Because traffic noise (the noise of distant shipping) is so low in Spencer Gulf it may not dominate the low frequency non wind dependent noise as it does in the open ocean. The noise from snapping shrimps is always present and varies between the levels shown, dominating the ambient noise at frequencies above 2 to 10 kHz. The highest levels are reached only for a short period just before sunrise and just after sunset. Otherwise, the highest levels are about 3 dB lower than those shown. The evening chorus was observed on all evenings at the Wedge site for about one hour, peaking at about 2130 hours. The peak levels varied from day to day by about 3 dB, the maximum values being shown in Fig. 10.1. Measurements at other sites around Australia show that choruses of this type occur for long periods, in some cases throughout the year. No such chorus was observed at the Thistle or the Berry sites. The spectral peaks marked "fish" in the figure are indicative of a chorus typical of those produced by fish strumming their swim bladders. Such choruses are usually seasonally dependent since they are related to activities such as spawning. They may occur for weeks and in some cases months at a time at various times of day. Very much higher noise levels have been observed from such choruses in other areas, extending over frequencies from 50 Hz to 1 kHz. The present observations are too limited to give any indication of the likely occurrence of these choruses in Spencer Gulf other than to show that they do occur and it is possible that much higher levels over a broader frequency band may occur at other times of year. Although this chorus was observed at the Wed ae site only, there is no reason to expect that such choruses would be confined to Wedge. They should be expected at all sites. The contributions from passing boats or ships are not included in the figure and can be expected to produce high noise levels. These were, on average, audible on less than 2% of the noise samples, which is consistent with the numbers of ships passing through the area per day. Significant intermittent noise from transients was evident at low frequencies at certain times. The times of occurrence were similar at all three sites. These are considered to be the result of movement at the bottom in the vicinity of the hydrophones, and caused by impact of bottom debris on the hydrophones and the underwater canister, and possibly movement of the hydrophones themselves. It is possible that some noise results from motion of shells and shell fragments on the bottom. These transients are not considered to be part of the ambient noise but interaction between the recording system and the environment, and so are not included in the summary figure. The possible exception would be sounds generated by the motion of debris on the bottom. The sea floor at the sites appears to be relatively hard comprising compacted shell fragments. The hydrophone system would have been more vulnerable to movement than in many other areas where the bottom is muddy and the system becomes fixed in the mud. The design of a system to record sounds in Spencer Gulf needs to take into consideration the effects of the motion near the bottom, and the nature of the sea floor, adequately isolating the hydrophones. Further investigation of the nature of transient generation at the chosen site is required to provide the information needed to design the system. 10.2 Comparison of sites The ambient noise at the Thistle site was found to be generally similar to that at Wedge, while Berry was found to be significantly noisier. Wind dependent noise was similar at all sites for the same wind speeds, but while winds speeds were comparable at Thistle and Wedge, there were significant periods of substantially higher wind speeds at Berry (due to sea breezes). Consequently, wind dependent noise can be expected to be higher at Berry than at the other sites for significant periods of tii-ne (particularly in the afternoon). Non wind dependent noise was comparable at Wedge and Thistle but significantly higher at Berry due to clustering of boats around Corny Point, resulting in noise levels at low frequencies being 5 to 10 dB higher. Since this effect depends on boat movements, there may be significant seasonal effects. Shrimp noise was similar at Wedge and Thistle, but about 3 dB higher at Berry. This difference is too small to be of practical significance. The evening chorus and the fish chorus were observed only at the Wedge site. There is no reason to suppose that fish choruses would be confined to Wedge. They are seasonal and may occur at the other sites at other times of year. The presence of the evening chorus is, however, significant because data from other areas suggest that it is less seasonally dependent. On the data sample available, it is not possible to state the relative occurrence of fish choruses at the sites and all should be considered to be equally likely to show significant choruses at certain times of year. It seems likely that the evening chorus is more prevalent at Wedge but it may also occur at the other sites. The evening chorus is significant for little more than one hour and its timing is very predictable. 10.3 Forecast The following forecast is made in the absence of rain over the hydrophones which would contribute significant noise at higher frequencies. It also excludes the presence of close shipping since this is relatively infrequent. Since the main variation in noise level in the summary graph of Fig. 10.1 is wind dependent, a forecast of the ambient noise can be made from the wind speed statistics for Neptune Island and the Wedge site (see analysis in Chapter 5). For more than 90% of the time, the noise level will be less than that indicated by the "20 knots" curve in Fig. 10.1. For about 40% of the time it will be less than that shown by the "10 knots" curve, and less than the "5 knots" curve for about 12% of the time. At the Berry site the wind noise would be less than the curves shown for a significantly smaller proportion of time than at the Wedge or Thistle sites. Shrimp noise can be expected to be in the lower half of the range shown except for about two hours near dawn and again near dusk when it would reach a peak near the highest levels shown. The evening chorus at Wedge peaked at about 2130 in November. Its timing may be related to the time of dusk, and once established for a particular time of year would be expected to show relatively little variation from evening to evening. It is possible that a similar chorus could be evident at the other sites. Insufficient is known about fish choruses in the region to predict their occurrence or their acoustical characteristics. It is likely that they occur at all sites at certain times of year, and could produce noise levels up to 15 dB higher than those shown in some part of the frequency band 50 Hz to 1 kHz. These choruses are intrinsically predictable in both their diurnal and seasonal occurrence from measurements made once in the appropriate season. Dolphin and fish sounds can be expected to contribute to the noise but generally this contribution is covered by the non wind dependent noise. Whale sounds are likely to be significant for a sufficiently small proportion of the time to be negligible. The Berry site is likely to be significantly noisier than the other two sites over most of the measured frequency band for much of the time. 10.4 Comparison with the ambient noise off Perth Spencer Gulf is substantially quieter than the region investigated off Perth (Jones, Cato, Hamilton and Scott 1992) for a number of reasons. Noise as a function of wind speed is significantly less at low frequencies (less than about 100 Hz) because of the absence of the low frequency wind noise component. At 20 knots the noise at 30 Hz is about 15 dB lower. Winds in Spencer Gulf are on average significantly lower than off Perth. Traffic noise is very low and non wind dependent noise is substantially less than off Perth. The Gulf wind noise at high frequencies is comparable with Perth up to wind speeds of 10 knots and a few decibels higher at 20 knots. It is difficult to determine if the difference at 20 knots is a real effect or due in part to the uncertainties of determining wind dependence given the spread of the data and the contributions from non wind dependent sources. Part of the difference may be real and due to differences in the acoustical characteristics of the sites. However the substantially greater occurrence of low winds speeds at this site compared to the waters off Perth ensure that, on average, wind dependent noise at high frequencies will be lower. The wind speed is equal to or less than 10 knots for 40% of the time in Spencer Gulf compared with 14% of the time off Perth. The evening- chorus at Wedge is comparable in level to that observed off Perth but about an octave lower in frequency and evident for a shorter period of time. Whale sounds are likely to be a rare occurrence in Spencer Gulf whereas off Perth humpback whale sounds can be expected to contribute significantly for about four months of the year. Snapping shrimps are significant in Spencer Gulf but not in deep water sites off Perth (where they would be expected to be of comparable levels in shallow water). This would result in higher levels in Spencer Gulf above 5 kHz compared with the noise for 10 knots wind off Perth. At the Wedge site, the "noise floor" - the lowest levels of ambient noise measured (ie. very low winds speeds, lowest levels of non wind dependent noise) is 10 to 15 dB less than off Perth for frequencies between 20 Hz and 2 kHz, the greatest difference being at frequencies around 500 Hz. For wind speeds less than 10 knots, the noise at Wedge is from 7 to 20 dB lower at frequencies between 20 and 100 Hz, the variation depending on relative levels of both wind dependent and non wind dependent noise. It is 0 to 15 dB lower between 200 Hz and 5 kHz, the difference increasing as wind speed decreases below 10 knots. +++++ End Part II/III CMR Disclaimer================================================== This document could contain information all or part of which is or may be copyrighted in a number of countries. Therefore, commercial copying and/or further dissemination of this text is expressly prohibited without obtaining the permission of the copyright owner(s) except in the United States and other countries for certain personal and educational uses as prescribed by the "fair copy" provisions of that countries Copyright Statues. ================================================================ ************** END Msg. B.OAC **************