*********** +++++++++++++++++++++ 061296B.SHP + Source: ONR Asia + *********** +++++++++++++++++++++ Contributory Categories: ENG Country: North Korea, China, Russia From: Japan Times 7 June 1996 p. 17 KEYWORDS: North Korea, China, Russia, Tumen River; Port facilities, Economic Zone +++++ TUMEN RIVER ECONOMIC ZONE STILL WAITING TO GET ON INVESTORS' MAP By DUSTY CLAYTON South China Morning Post Proponents say it is Northeast Asia's answer to Shenzhen. It boasts easy aecess to the wealthy Japanese and South Korean markets and a low-cost manufacturing base.Yet the Tumen River Economic Development Area, a triangle extending from Chongjin in North Korea to Yanji in China's Jilin Province and north to Vladivostok and Nakhodka in Russia, is still off the investment map of most foreign .ompanies. Advisers from the United Nations Development Program said one of the main reasons was the three nations had not made the area a high enough priority. The director of the UNDP-assisted Tumen Secretariat in Beijing, Michael Underdown, said: "Russia is concerned about Chechnya and NATO expansion. In China, Tumen does not figure as large in the government's planning as Pudong (in Shanghai) or the Three Gorges project." North,Korea, despite actively promotnig Rajin-Sonbong, its free-trade zone in the Tumen region, as a window for foreign investment, has failed to clear up lingering questions over its economic openness and political stability. Tumen Secretariat investment adviser Dan Davies said that with much of the basic infrastructure necessary to move goods in and out of the delta region almost complete, the major obstacles were bureaucratic. "There are many institutional barriers that need a lot of attention' "These countries are still operating according to old habits and ideas," Davies said. Inefficient customs procedures mean that crossing the border between North Korea and China can take several hours when it should take a few minutes. On the Russian border, differences in time zones - China's clocks are set to Beijing time - and working hours meant that customs of the two countries in the men region only overlapped for five hours a day, Davies said. Visa problems also are a major obstacle. North Korea will issue on-the-spot visas to the Rajin-Sonbong zone to any foreigner holding an invitation letter, but the Chinese reqiuire that any third-country citizen entering from their territory holds a normal North Korean visa. Since its launch in 1992, the Tumen River development program has suffered from unrealistically high expectations and incorrect reports that threaten to drown it in skepticism. Davies and Underdown said the Tumen development was frequently described as a "$30 billion United Nations project," a misnomer they said was started by consultants four years ago. "The amount of investment in the next 10 years will be several billion dollars, and that does not mean we are scaling down the operation," Davies said. "There was never $30 billion of projects ever suggested for the region." In the most recent UNDP investment guide to the Tumen region published in March, independent economists were quoted as saying the area will require about $6 billion of investment to 2000. Still, that is an ambitious goal for a region that up to the end of last year had accumulated a total of $282 million in for- eign investment. Of that, $191 million went to China's Yanbian Korean Autonomous prefecture on the Tumen border. Another $70 million, was plowed into ports and shipping facilities in the Russian section, and $20 million was invested in North Korea's Rajin-Sonbong zone. Underdown and Davies take satisfaction from the fact that 60 percent of the total foreign investment inflow has occurred in the last two years. "A whole lot of things happening now mean that by the middle of next year you will have a very different picture in terms of access, border crossings and shipments to Japan and North Korea," Davies said. A 70-km railway will open at the end of this year, linking the Chinese and Russian parts of the Tumen region. New container facilities at Rajin port in North Korea allowed sailings between Rajin and South Korea's Pusan to begin in October last year, cutting travel time between Yanji and Pusan from one month (if moved through Dalian port) to between five and six days - and at a 40 percent discount. Those services soon will be upgraded to using 11,000-ton vessels. New lines also are opening between North Korea and Japan. Contrary to previous expectations, the Tumen area was unlikely to develop as a single international free-trade zone, but rather as a meeting point of three separate areas each with its own zones and characteristics, Davies said. 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