o Marine Science Group black shale data base analyzed by INAA
bshales.zip contains:
bsalldt3.wk4: Lotus 123 ver 4 worksheet.
bsalldt4.xls: Excel worksheet. These files contains all pre-Pleistocene data.
o Iterative version of BLAG environmental model using algorithms of Kump and Garrels (1986, AJS).
WARNING: iterations only work for early versions of Excel and 123. Modules would have to be modified to run in later versions.
kg86mdl.zip contains:
k&g86.fm3 Lotus 123 Format file
k&g86.wk3 Lotus 123 ver 3 worksheet
kg86mdl.txt Text file Lotus 123 version explanation of operation of program.
kg86xls.zip contains:
k&g86.xls Excel worksheet
kg86xls.txt Text file Excel version explanation of operation of program.
This download program has been superceded by two html programs which can be captured by your browser.
o OCEANIC CALCULATOR Various parameters as functions of Temperature, Salinity, and Pressure.
This is an update of the Ocean Parameter Windows program done in Visual Basic. This version has more parameters
and corrects some goofs. Another advantage is that the algorithms are embedded in the code so one can check them,
which can not be done in the Visual Basic version without having Visual Basic and the original file. and
Elements as functions of salinity (chlorinity); nutrients Phosphate, and/or Silicate; and Oxygen as a reducing agent.
Discussed in Quinby-Hunt and Wilde (1987), includes extension of Redfield-Richards Plankton equation for
regression of trace elements.
Visual Basic Version contains
o Rapid calculation of various oceanic parameters as functions of Temperature; Temperature and Salinity,
and Temperature, Salinity and Pressure. Formulae from published literature. Uses Windows pull-down
menus to call parameters and slide switches or keyboard to input independent variable/s.
If you still wish the Visual Basic old version (less parameters) download:
seaparm.zip contains:
ocean4.exe Executable Windows file
vbrun300.dll dll file needed to run ocean4.exe if user does not have Visual Basic installed in Windows.
Operational instructions are provided when program is run.
o Calculation of vertical redox profiles for three climatic conditions based on Wilde, 1987.
Default value is for 100 % PAL (Present Atmospheric Level), but the spreadsheets can be modified for other
levels by resetting surface value of dissolved oxygen.
redoxv.zip contains:
gloxmdl.wk1 Lotus 123 worksheet for glacial conditions
gloxmdl.fmt Lotus 123 format file for graphics
igoxmdl.wk1 Lotus 123 worksheet for inter-glacial or pre or post glacial conditions
igoxmdl.fmt Lotus 123 format file for graphics
ngoxmdl.wk1 Lotus 123 worksheet for non glacial conditions
ngoxmdl.fmt Lotus 123 format file for graphics
oxmodel.txt Text file explanation of assumptions and operation