Average Shale
Drever, J. I., Li, Y.-H. and Maynard, J. B., 1988, Geochemical cycles: The continental crust and the oceans, in Chemical Cycles in the Evolution of the Earth, Gregor, C. B., Garrels, R. M., Mackenzie, F. T. and Maynard, J. B. (eds.): New York, John Wiley, p. 17-53
Late Proterozoic
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K. and Heino, T., 1996, Geochemistry and Genesis of the black-shale hosted Ni, Cu, Zn deposits at Talvivaara, Finland: Economic Geology, v. 91, p. 80-110.
Early Proterozoic
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K., Kuronen, U. and Arkimaa, H., 1997, Geochemical comparison of metamorphosed black shales associated with the Vihanti zinc deposit and prospects in Western Finland: Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper 23, p. 5-13.
McLennan, S. M., Taylor, S. R., and McGregor, V. R., 1984, Geochemistry of Archean metasedimentary rocks from West Greenland: Geochima et Cosmochima Acta, v. 48, p. 1-13.