REDOX GROUPS in ppm Elem. I 2 3 4 Na 6088 4700 6492 4591 Mg 14381 11671 10165 7645 Al 77861 89136 75367 78291 Cl 28 331 129 158 K 24233 24923 33668 36580 Ca 23015 27598 14162 5953 Sc 16 18 13 14 Ti 3779 4433 4098 4663 V 116 141 267 1802 Cr 104 106 94 124 Mn 1404 302 243 97 Fe 51174 51093 23368 19712 Co 28 22 13 10 Zn 110 171 95 806 Ga 23 21 18 23 As 23 24 24 38 Se 2 2 3 8 Br 1 2 2 7 Rb 119 130 120 156 Sr 0 368 52 209 Zr 224 164 239 267 Mo 0 17 29 121 In 0.166 0.172 0.220 0.171 Sb 2.54 1.91 4.86 12.82 Cs 9.04 8.64 7.58 9.53 Ba 659 492 713 3172 Hf 4.19 3.81 5.01 4.43 Ta 0.781 NA NA 1.093 W 2.03 2.43 3.10 3.29 Th 9.98 11.95 9.93 13.27 U 3.74 5.28 8.89 50.56 Ir 96e-6 116e-6 101e-6 27e-6 La 41.53 42.14 41.83 47.49 Ce 81.47 83.80 75.58 82.26 Nd 32.70 51.20 40.51 45.11 Sm 6.29 6.29 6.47 5.45 Eu 1.32 1.40 1.25 1.07 Tb 0.853 0.931 0.848 0.779 Dy 4.32 4.96 4.69 4.82 Yb 2.91 2.92 2.92 3.62 Lu 0.439 0.437 0.425 0.447Groups with elements listed in order of abundance.
Group 4 -
Overlying water Anoxic,
Sediments Anoxic+Organics
All groups plotted in order of "Average" shale.
"Average" shale from Drever, J. I., Li, Y-H, and
Maynard, J. B., 1988, Geochemical Cycles: The
Continental Crust, in Geochemical Cycles in the
Evolution of the Earth, C. B. Gregor, Garrels, R. M. ,
Mackenzie, F. T. and Maynard, J. B. (eds.)
J. Wiley, p. 17-53