Figure X. Ternary plot: Source of example: Quinby Hunt and Wilde, 1991

La %
Th %
Sc %

You may have to reset corners
depending on the Browser. If the
values don't match reset using the
values in the X and Y boxes
Then move Mouse over graph to read values

Min X
Min Y
Max X
Max Y

Graph YGraph X
Need:  gif file of Ternary Diagram ABC

User Determined:  colors of text, tables etc.  
                               Real names of ABC can be substituted
1.  Create html file as below.  Place name of gif file to replace
     figX.gif within the IMG SRC tag in code.
2.  Check code with browser Netscape 4+ (Early Microsoft Browsers may not work).
     IMPORTANT! make sure html file and gif file are in the same sub directory or
     the gif file is properly directed.
3.  Move mouse to apices of diagram.
4.  Read values of x  and y  for A, B. and C and record.  They should
     appear in the boxes below the figure.  Don't try to remove these boxes
     as the pixel reader is required to translate to actual graph values.
5.  Close browser and edit.
6.  For Min X type in X value of B (minimum value)
7.  For Max X type in X value of C (maximum value)
8.  For Min Y type in Y value of A (minimum value)
9.  for Max Y type in Y value of B or C (if values significally different graph gif file
     is skewed.)
10.  One may replace A, B and C with actual names of apices at this time.
     A mouse pass over readable Ternary Diagram with A, B, and C end members at
     If one changes the position of the gif file by adding text such as caption, one
must reset the x and y mouse values for the apices.