General InformationGeological-Oceanographic Experience
1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's
1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's
1735 Highland Place #28
Berkeley, California 94709Phone: 1-(510)-841-4721
E-Mail: patwilde@dnai.comEDUCATION:
Langley High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1949-1953
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 1953-1957
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1959-1964
B.S. in Geology, magna cum laude, Yale University, 1957
A.M. in Geology, Harvard University, 1961
Ph.D in Geology, Harvard University, 1965THESES TOPICS:
Ice-Shove ridges of the Exacta Delta, Chandler Lake, Alaska: B.S. Yale
Recent Sediments of the Monterey Deep-Sea Fan: Ph.D. HarvardPROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES:
American Geophysical Union: Atmospheres and Oceans Section
Explorer's Club (Fellow)
Geological Society of America (Fellow)PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION:
Registered Geologist No. 997
State of CaliforniaHONORS
* Pat Wilde Prize: Yale University
Given Annually to Undergraduate Geoscience Major for excellence in Research
* Wilde's Guyot
SeaMount northwest of Wake Island, Central Pacific Ocean
* Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Senior Fellowship 1989-1990
Scientific Excellence in Research and TeachingINTERNATIONAL COMMITTEES:
International Geological Correlation Programme 216: Globa1 BiologicaI Events in earth history: Member, committee on Ordovician-Silurian Boundary.
International Geological Correlation Programme 256: Metalliferous Black Shales: Member, United States working group.
International Union of Geological Sciences Subcommission on the Ordovician: Member, Chemostratigraphic working group.U. S. COMMITTEES:
RIDGE PROGRAM- Theoretical, Experimental and Analytical working group
CMISST-Continental Margin Integrated Sedimentation Studies- UCB correspondent.ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE:
Teaching Fellow in General Education, Harvard University, Natural Sciences I 0 (Geology)
Lecturer in Mineral Exploration, University of California,Berkeley,
Lecturer in Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Assistant Professor of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering, University of California, Berkeley,
Chairman, Committee on Ocean Engineering, College of Engineering, University of California,
Berkeley, 1969-1975.
Lecturer in Marine Biology-Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley,
Lecturer in Ocean Engineering-Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley,
Visiting Professor in Oceanography, Technische Universitat-Berlin,
undergraduate geology major
Fall 1955: Detailed mapping in Brandford, Connecticut 7-1/2 minute quadrangle, in Triassic arkoses and trap rock sequences, under Prof. Sanders (see Sanders and others,1963).
Summer 1956: Reconnaissance mapping (as field assistant) northern Brooks Range and Arctic Slope, Alaska in Devonian graywackes and shales, Mississippian limestones, and upper Paleozoic-Jurassic clastics under Dr. MacVicar.
Summer 1957: petroleum geology, subsurface mapping and structural interpretations from Electric logs and seismic data in Eocene and Oligocene of South Louisiana and Mississippi.
Winter 1957-1958: detailed structural and stratigraphic mapping (plane table) along the Bonita Fault,Quay County, northwest New Mexico in Triassic to Eocene marine an non-marine clastics.
Spring 1958: detailed structural mapping (plane table) near Juno, Val Verde County, Texas, in Cretaceous carbonates of the Edwards Plateau.
Summer 1958-Spring 1959: petroleum geology, subsurface mapping, lithofacies studies, seismic investigations in Miocene of south Louisiana.
Summer 1959: Shell Exploration Geology Training Program, Houston, Texas, geophysical prospecting (seismic and magnetic), current research studies at Shell Development Corporation.
graduate student in Geology under Profs. Siever, Kummel, and Whittington
graduate research geologist, under Prof. Menard
Summer 1960: (SIO) mineralogy of Delgada and Monterey deep-sea fans; scientific leader Knock-Knock expedition R/V Argo to Cape San Lucas and Baja California sea mount province.
Summer 1961: (SIO), clay mineralogy of Delgada and Monterey Deep-sea fans; scientific leader Marazine expedition R/V Paolina-T to Monterey deep-sea fan, coring of fan and adjacent shelf sediments.
Spring 1962: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) R/V Atlantis cruise 278, Bermuda to Woods Hole, piston coring on the Bermuda Rise and Sohm Abysmal Plain.
Summer 1962: (SIO), submarine geology using SCUBA, off La Jolla and Carmel submarine canyons, sampling or central California beaches and quartz diorite intrusives of the Santa Lucia and Gavalan Mountains and of the Monterey Peninsula.
Winter-Spring 1963: (SIO), marine geologist on Criss-Cross expedition R/V S.F- Baird: the Cocos Ridge, East Pacific Rise, and Cocos, Malpelo, and Galapagos Islands, bathymetric and magnetic survey of the Cocos Ridge, coring in the Gulf of Panama and on the East Pacific Rise, dredging of various sea-mounts, petrologic sampling of islands (samples catalogued in Harvard Geological Museum).
Summer 1963: National Science Foundation Summer Fellow at Harvard, studies on mineralogy of deep-sea sediments and completed metric bathymetric map of Monterey Fan, (WHOI) R/V Gosnold cruise 21 coring and dredging off Cape Cod and Georges Bank.
Fall 1965: marine geologist on Montcanyon II expedition R/V Argo: bottom sampling, coring, dredging, camera stations in Monterey Canyon-Channel system.
Spring 1966: marine geologist on Six-Pac expedition, R/V Horizon: air-gun sub-bottom profiling geophysics south of Hawaii.
Spring 1966: marine geologist on Spheres expedition, R/V Horizon: geochemical studies in vicinity of Horizon Guyot, central Pacific.
Fall 1966: marine geologist on R/V Tage: bottom sampling in Monterey Bay and heads of Monterey, Ascension, and Soquel submarine canyons.
Spring-Summer 1967: marine geologist on Nova expedition, R/V Horizon and R/V Argo: geochemical sampling of bottom sediments, arcer acoustic profiling, magnetics in Coral, Tasman Seas.
Sept. 1968: marine geologist on T-Agor Davis: Sat-Pac Expedition, geologic and magnetic survey calibration, satellite navigation off Washington/Oregon coast.
Fall 1968:. marine geologist on R/V San Michele: bottom sampling in the Gulf of the Farallones.
Fall 1969: marine geologist on R/V San Michele: bottom sampling on the Central California Continental Shelf.
June 1970: marine geologist on R/V Washington: Seven Tow Expedition - marine geology and marine chemical sampling in the central Pacific between Samoa and Hawaii.
July-August 1971: marine geologist on R/V Washington: Aries Expedition - marine geology and surveying in north Pacific between Japan and Hawaii.
Sept. 1971: off-shore self-potential exploration for submerged sulfide ore bodies in Penobscot Bay, Gulf of Maine.
March-April 1972: marine geologist and co-chief scientist on R/V Melville: Hypogene Expedition search for hot brine basins in basins of Gulf of California, precision bathymetry, geologic and chemical analysis of bottom sediments, physical and chemical analyses of basin waters.
Sept. 1972: marine geologist on R/V Califia: bottom sampling for sediments and infauna on the north central California continental shelf.
Dec. 1972-Jan. 1973: marine geologist on R/V Melville: Cato Expedition, geophysical surveys and net tows in coastal zone east coast of South America - Rio de Janeiro to Panama, geochemical surveys mouth of the Amazon.
July-Sept. 1973: chief scientist and marine geologist on R/V Samudera and M/V Equator: precision bathymetry, physical oceanography and bottom sampling plus localized current measurements in the water column in the Halmahera and adjacent seas, Irian Jaya, Indonesia.
June-Sept. 1974: physical oceanographic current measurements in Tomales Bay, California for sneaker wave study.
Nov. 1974: marine geologist on R/V Acania: current measurements in Monterey and Carmel submarine canyons.
Feb.-May 1975: heat flow surveys of Salton Sea, Mono and Clear Lake, California.
Jan. 1976: marine geologist and oceanographer on R/V Lee: geophysical and geochemical studies off the central and southern California coast.
July-August 1976: self-potential geophysical surveys in lower Paleozoic shales, Humboldt Range, Nevada.
July 1977: oceanographer on O.S.S. Researcher: physical chemical, and biological surveys in the Gulf of Mexico.
May 1978: marine geologist on R/V Sea Sounder: geophysical survey of Navy Fan southern California borderland.
July-August 1978: oceanographer on O.S.S. Researcher: marine: chemistry and marine biology in equatorial South Atlantic off Brazil - Barbados to Recife.
December 1979: marine geologist on R/V Sea Sounder: geological and geophysical studies on Monterey and Delgada submarine fans, California.
February 1980: oceanographer on YFN-1126 USN: radiochemical sampling off St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Caribbean Sea.
Jan-Feb. 1981: co-chief scientist and marine geologist on R/V Kana Keoki: geophysical and geological survey off west coast of Oahu and sampling of Loihi Seamount Hawaii Islands.
June-July 1982: oceanographer on R/V Lee: geological and geophysical survey central and north Pacific, Panope, Micronesia to Dutch Harbor, Alaska
December 1983: co-chief scientist and oceanographer, R/V Lee: Pagotec Expedition, geophysical and geologic survey off American Samoa, south Pacific.
July 1984: marine geologist R/V Lee: Trauma Expedition, geological and geophysical survey Rabaul, Papua-New Guinea to Majuro, Marshall Islands, western and central Pacific.
July 1987- marine geologist, geophysicist M/V Marauder: geophysical electrical tests of resistivity, self-potential, and density survey techniques in estuarine conditions San Francisco Bay.
August 1988: geologist Newfoundland, sampling and geologic transect across Iapetus (Paleozoic) Ocean.
Humboldt Visiting Professor
May 1990: geologist-geochemist, Oslo District, Norway, geochemical and paleo-oceanographic sampling in Paleozoic black shales.
Liaison Scientist and Associate Director: Ocean Science and Engineering
Web Site at ONR Tokyo on Ocean Science and Engineering maintained from 1991-1996
University of California 1996
Office of Naval Research 1997
Ship | Institution | Length(ft.) | Dates |
R/V Argo | SIO | 213 | June-July 1960 |
R/V Paolina-T | SIO | 70 | June-July 1961 |
R/VAtlantis | WHOI | 142 | May 1962 |
R/V Baird | SIO | 145 | Feb.-April 1963 |
R/V Gosnold | WHOI | 99 | July 1963 |
R/V Argo | SIO | 213 | September 1965 |
R/V Horizon | SIO | 143 | March 1966 |
R/V Tage | HMS | 40* | September 1965 |
R/V Horizon | SIO | 143 | March-July 1967 |
R/V Argo | SIO | 213 | July-August 1967 |
T-AGOR Davis | USN | 208 | September 1968 |
R/V San Michele | EA | 40* | September 1968 |
R/V San Michele | EA | 40* | September 1969 |
R/V Washington | SIO | 208 | June 1970 |
R/V Washington | SIO | 208 | July-August 1971 |
R/V Melville | SIO | 245 | March- April 1972 |
R/V Califia | UOP | 60* | September 1972 |
R/V Melville | SIO | 245 | Dec 1972-Jan 1973 |
R/V Samudra | IIO | 120 | July-Aug 1973 |
R/V Equator | PN | 40 | Aug-September 1973 |
R/V Acania | USN | 90 | November 1974 |
R/V Lee | USGS | 208 | January 1976 |
R/V Lee | USGS | 203 | March 1977 |
OSS Researcher | NOAA | 245 | July 1977 |
R/V Sea Sounder | USGS | 180 | May 1978 |
OSS Researcher | NOAA | 245 | July-August 1981 |
R/V Sea Sounder | USGS | 180 | December 1979 |
YFN 1126 | USN | 90 | February 1980 |
R/V Kona Keoki | UH | 156 | Jan- February 1981 |
R/V Lee | USGS | 208 | June-July 1982 |
R/V Lee | USGS | 208 | December 1983 |
R/V Lee | USGS | 208 | July 1984 |
M/V Marauder | COE | 40* | August 1987 |
Institutions: SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution HMS Hopkins Marine Station (Stanford University) USN United States Navy EA Environmental Associates UOP University of the Pacific IIO Indonesia Institute of Oceanography PN Pacific Nikkel USGS United States Geological Survey NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration UH University of Hawaii CoE U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
{NOTE: Some publications here are listed in the year generated, which is not necessarily the year published. Also, abstracts given at meetings generally are listed separately from the final published paper in a journal as through reviews etc. the content may change.)
You may jump to the Decade listed below:
1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's
Pre-1965 1. Foxon Fault and Galliard Graben in the Triassic of southern Connecticut, with J. E. Sanders and C. V. Guidotti, Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey Reports 16p., (1963).
2. Deep-Sea channels on the Cocos Ridge, East-Central Pacific (abs.) Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 45: 70, (1964).
1965 3. Estimates of Bottom Current Velocities from Grain-Size Measurements from the Monterey Deep-Sea Fan, Marine Technology Society-American Littoral Society Proceedings, 2: 718-727, (1965).
4. Sand-sized sediments of the Monterey Deep-Sea Fan (abs.), Geological Society of America, Special Paper 82: 224-225, (1965).
5. Recent Sediments of the Monterey Deep-Sea Fan, PhD Thesis Harvard University (1965) also University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-13, 153p. (1965). pdf Format
6. Mineral Resources, in California and Use of the Oceans, University of California, Institute of Marine Resources Ref. 65-21, 13: 6-9, (1965).
1966 7. Quantitative Measurements of Deep-Sea channels on the Cocos Ridge, East Central Pacific, Deep-Sea Research, 13: 635-640, (1966).
8. pH of Deep-Sea Sediments (abs.), Geological Society of America, San Francisco Meeting, 240-241, (1966).
9. Western Extensions of the Clarion and Molokai Fracture Zones of the Pacific Ocean (abs.), with T. E. Chase and S. M. Smith, Geological Society of America, San Francisco Meeting, 38, (1966).
1968 10. Recent sediments of Bolinas Bay, California: Part A Introduction and Grain Size Analyses, with C. Isselhardt and L. Osuch, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-19, 55p, (1968). pdf Format
11. Electrochemical Measurements in the Marine Environment utilizing Sea Water as a 'spiked' solution (abs.), Transactions American Geophysical Union, 49: 365-366, (1968).
12. Electrochemical measurements with a variable reference electrode system, with P. W. Rodgers, University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE, 1-1, 53p., (1968).
1969 13. Determination of the Cation-Exchange capacity of suspended material in Sea Water by Chemisorption of Methylene Blue, with R. Carter, University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE, 1-2, 29p., (1969).
14. Recent sediments of Bolinas Bay, California: Part B Mineralogical Data, with C. Isselhardt, L. Osuch, and T. Yancey, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-22, 155p., (1969). pdf Format
15. Recent sediments of Bolinas Bay, California: Part C Interpretation and Summary of Results, with C. Isselhardt, L. Osuch, and T. Yancey, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-23, 86p, (1969). pdf Format
16 Tables of Formalities and p Ion in Sea Water of total Cl, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Br, and SO4 for the Salinity range of 28 to 40 o/oo assuming Dittmarian conservancy, University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE, 1-4, 103p., (1969).
1970 17. A self-potential detection system for the marine environment, with R. F. Corwin and W. C. Ebersole, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 1258, 2: 305-313, (1970).
18. Recent sediments of the Central California continental shelf-Pigeon Point to Sand Hill Bluffs, Part A Introduction and Grain Size Data, with J. Lee and T. Yancey, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-28, 62p., (1970). pdf format
19. Electrochemical Meter for Activity Measurements in natural environments, with P. W. Rodgers, Review of Scientific Instruments, 41: 356-359, (1970).
20. Electrochemical measurements in Sea Water using a Dittmarian variable reference electrode, with P. W. Rodgers, Marine Technology Society, 6th Annual Meeting, 2: 1445-1458, (1970).
21. Non-Destructive wet weighting of Marine Sediments, with J. Holden and C. Isselhardt, Marine Geology, 8: 173-178, (1970).
22. Abstracts of Ocean Engineering Theses-University of California, Berkeley, 1962-1968 (compiler), University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE 1-2, 62p., (1970).
23. Recent Sediments of the Central California Continental Shelf-Pillar Point to Pigeon Point; Part A Introduction and Grain Size Data, with T. Yancey, C. Isselhardt, L. Osuch, and J. Lee, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-26, 64p., (1970). pdf format
24. Faunal Communities on the Central California Shelf near San Francisco - a sedimentary environmental study, with T. Yancey, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-29, 65p., (1970).
1971 25. Towed vehicle for constant depth and bottom contouring operations, with U. Conti and T. Richards, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 1456, 2: 385-392.
26. Recent Sediments of the Central California Continental Shelf-Pillar Point to Pigeon Point; Part B Mineralogical Data, with T. Yancey, M. Glogoczowski, and J. Lee, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-30, 63p., (1971). pdf Format
27. Formulae of various properties of sea water as functions of temperature, pressure, and concentration, University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE, 1-5, 30p., (1971).
28. Automatic multi-sensor electrochemical monitor for sea water measurements, with U. Conti and C. Dann, Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 1459, 2: 409-416, (1971).
29. Sediment distribution and its relation to circulation patterns in Bolinas Bay, California, with T. Yancey, Proceedings 12th Coastal Engineering Conference, Washington, D. C., 2: 1397-1415, (1971).
30. Recent Sediments of Monterey Bay, Additional Mineralogical Data, with T. Yancey, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-33, 59p., (1971). pdf Format
31. Near-shore transport of suspended material by seasonal geostrophic currents (abs.), 2nd National Coastal and Shallow Water Research Conference, 258, (1971).
32. Preliminary report on Leg VII of Aries Expedition: Geological Investigations in the Western North Pacific, July-August 1971, with T. A. Davies and D. A. Clague, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Reference Series 71-27, 21p. (1971).
33. River Mouth and Beach Sediments - Russian River, California to Rogue River, Oregon, Part A Introduction and Grain Size Analyses, with M. Glogoczowski, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-36, 73p., (1971).
1972 34. Diver-operated in-situ Electrochemical measurements, with U. Conti, Marine Technology Society Journal, 6-2: 17-23, (1972).
35. Cation-exchange capacity of suspended material from coastal sea water off Central California, with R. Carter, Marine Geology, 13: 107-122, (1972).
36. Dissolution Kinectics of Calcium Carbonate in Sea Water, with R. A. Berner, American Journal of Science, 272: 826-839, (1972). pdf Format
37. River Mouth and Beach Sediments - Yankee Point to Hurricane Point, California, Part A Introduction and Grain Size Analyses, with P. Pause, K. Leslie, and P. Henshaw, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-38, 22p. (1972). pdf Format
38. Koko Seamount: A major guyot at the southern end of the Emperor Seamounts, with T. A. Davies and D. A. Clague, Marine Geology, 13: 311-321.
1973 39. Temperature, Salinity, Depth profiles from deeps in the Gulf of California (abs.), with H. W. Menard, and G. Sharman, American Geophysical Union Transactions, 54-4: 322, (1973).
40. Self-contained Underwater system for Environmental Monitoring, with U. Conti, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering International Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment - Oceans 73, Seattle, 428-437, (1973).
41. Currents in Structures in the Ocean, University of California Engineering Extension, 11p. (1973).
42. Recent Sediments of the Central California Continental Shelf-Pillar Point to Pigeon Point; Part C Interpretation and Summary of Results, with T. Yancey, M. Glogoczowski, and J. Lee, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 2-38, 83p., (1973). pdf Format
43. Physical Oceanography, Marine Chemistry, and Marine Geology in Mining Engineers Handbook (Cummins and Given, eds.), Society of Mining Engineers - American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York, 20: 3-25, 20: 174-175, 20: 184, (1973). pdf Format
1974 44. Activity Coefficients of Na+, Cl-, Mg++, Ca++, and K+ in Sea Water from the Gulf of California by shipboard electrode measurement (abs.), American Geophysical Union Transactions, 55:4 310, (1974).
45. Bathymetry in the Vicinity of Gag Island, Irian Barat, Indonesia, Bechtel-Pacific Nikkel Oceanographic Survey Report, 3: 25p., 8 plates, (1974).
46. Direct solution of the specific volume anomaly and its use in Dynamic Calculations, with J. Colt, University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE, 1-8, 18p., (1974).
47. Computer processing and plotting routines for data collection from the Berkeley Underwater EnvironmentalMonitor, with K. H. Lee and U. Conti, University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE, 1-9, 25p., (1974).
1975 48. Trace metal analyses by Anoidic Stripping Voltammetry in marine environments, with C. W. Case and D. Jenkins, University of California, Berkeley, Hydraulic Eng. HEL, 1-11, 30p., (1975).
49. Hypogene Expedition Reports - Leg II Cruise report and Chemical Data, University of California, Committee on Ocean Eng. COOE. 1-10, 42p., (1975). pdf Format
50. Oceanographic Data off the Monterey Deep-Sea Fan, with T. E. Chase and W. R. Normark, University of California, Institute of Marine Resources Technical Report TR-58, 1975. pdf format Side 1, Side 2
1976 51. Methods for Geothermal Reservoir detection emphasizing submerged environments, with C. W. Case, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication LBL-4495, 64p., (1976).
52. Oceanographic Data off Central California - including the Delgada Deep-Sea Fan, with W. R. Normark and T. E. Chase, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication LBL-Pub 92, (1976). pdf format Side 1, Side 2
1977 53. A geothermal prospecting Heat-Flow system for thermal gradient and thermal conductivity measurements, with J. Oldson and others, in Geothermal Investigations of California Submerged Lands, California State Lands Commission, Part B, 44p., (1977).
54. Techniques for predicting sediment transport in Marine environments using natural Heavy Mineral tracers, with C. W. Case, Shore and Beach, 45:2 24-29, (1977).
55. Oceanographic Data off Washington, including the Nitinat Deep-Sea Fan, with T. E. Chase, M. L. Holmes, W. R. Normark, and J. A. Thomas, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication, LBL-Pub 223, (1977). pdf format Side 1, Side 2>
1978 56. Progressive ventilation of the Oceans - An explanation for the distribution of the Lower Paleozoic Black Shales, with W. B. N. Berry, American Journal of Science, 278: 257-275, (1978).
57. Channel Sands and Petroleum potential of Monterey Deep-Sea Fan, California, with W. R. Normark and T. E. Chase, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 62:6 967-983, (1978).
58. Oceanographic Data off Northern California and Southern Oregon, with T. E. Chase, M. L. Holmes, W. R. Normark, J. A. Thomas, D. S. McCulloch, and L. D. Kulm, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication, LBL-Pub 251, (1978). pdf format Side 1, Side 2
1979 59. Oceanographic Data off Oregon including the Astoria Deep-Sea Fan, with T. E. Chase, M. L. Holmes, W. R. Normark, J. A. Thomas, D. S. McCulloch, P. R. Carlson, L. D. Kulm, and J. D. Young, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication, LBL-Pub 253, (1979). pdf format Side 1, Side 2
60. In-situ thermal conductivity measurements for Heat Flow determinations in marine and lacustrine environments (abs.), with J. Oldson, American Geophysical Union Transactions, 58, (1979).
1980 61. Oceanographic Data off Southern Hawaiian Islands, with T. E. Chase, W. R. Normark, J. A. Thomas, and J. D. Young, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication, LBL-Pub 359, (1980). pdf format Side 1, Side 2
62. Oceanographic Data off Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, with T. E. Chase, W. R. Normark, C. P. Miller, B. A. Seekins, and J. D. Young, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication, LBL-Pub 360, (1981). pdf format Side 1, Side 2
1982 63. Progressive Ventilation of the Oceans - Potential for return of anoxic conditions in the Post-Paleozoic, with W. B. N. Berry, in Nature and Origin of Cretaceous Organic Carbon-Rich Facies, S. O. Schlanger and M. B. Cita (eds.), Academic Press, London, 209-224, (1982).
64. Studies on Toxicity of OTEC plant components on Eucalanus sp. from the Gulf of Mexico, with A. Venkataramiah, A. G. Lakshmi, C. Best, G. Gunter, and E. Hartwig, Ocean Science and Engineering, 7:3 353-401, (1982).
65. Geologic report for the OTEC site off Kahe Point, Hawaii, with W. R. Normark, T. E. Chase, M. A. Hampton, C. E. Gutmacher, B. A. Seekins, and K. H. Johnson, U. S. Geological Survey, Open File Report, 82-468A, 12p., 10 plates, (1982).
66. Environmental monitoring at Kahe Point, Oahu, Hawaii for OTEC pilot plant development, with A. T. Dengler, V. Harms, E. O. Hartwig, and M. S. Q. Hunt, Marine Technology Society, Oceans 82, (1982).
1983 64. Evolutionary and Geologic consequences of organic carbon fixing in the primitive Anoxic Ocean, with W. B. N. Berry, Geology, 11:3 141-145, (1983). pdf format
65. Interaction of Engineering Design constraints and Oceanographic realities, with M. S. Hunt, V. Harms, A. T. Dengler, and E. Noda, 18th IECEC Conference, Orlando, (1983).
1984 66. Slumping due to Hurricane Iwa along proposed OTEC cold water pipe route, Oahu, Hawaii, with A. T. Dengler, E. Noda, and W. R. Normark, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, (1984).
67. Turbidity Currents generated by Hurricane Iwa, with A. T. Dengler, W. R. Normark, and E. Noda, Geo-Marine Letters 4: 5-11 (1984). pdf format
68. Destabilization of the oceanic density structure and its significance to marine "extinction" events, with W. B. N. Berry, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 48: 143-162, (1984). pdf format
69. Monterey Fan: Growth pattern control by basin morphology and changing sea levels, with W. R. Normark, C. E. Gutmacher, and T. E. Chase, Geo-Marine Letters, 3: 93-99, (1984).
70. Anoxic facies in the Lower Paleozoic Ocean (abs.), with M. S. Q. Hunt, W. B. N. Berry, and C. J. Orth, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 16:6 694, (1984)
71. Chemostratigraphy at Dob's Linn, Scotland indicates major change in oceanic ventilation in Ordovician-Silurian boundary interval (abs.), with W. B. N. Berry, C. J. Orth, M. S. Q. Hunt, and J. S. Gilmore, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 16:6 444, (1984).
72. Chemostratigraphy: Supplement to Biostratigraphy (abs.), with M. S. Q. Hunt, W. B. N. Berry, C. J. Orth, and L. R. Quintana, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 16:6 546, (1984).
1985 73. Potential petroleum reservoirs on Deep-Sea fans off Central California, with W. R. Normark, T. E. Chase, and C. Gutmacher, in Submarine Fans and Related Turbidite Systems, A. Bouma and W. R. Normark (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 35-42, (1985).
1986 74. Very Recent analogs of volcanogenic Archean sequences, with M. S. Q. Hunt, D. Corrigan, A. T. Dengler, and W. R. Normark, Geology, 14: 48-51,(1986).
75. Potential environmental impacts of Open-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, with M. S. Q. Hunt and A. T. Dengler, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 6: 77-93 (1986). pdf Format
76. Trace element signatures in Dictyonema Shales and their geochemical and stratigraphic significance, with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Q. Hunt, and C. J. Orth, Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 66: 45-51 (1986).
77. Iridium Abundances across the Ordovician-Silurian Stratotype, with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Quinby-Hunt, C. J. Orth, L. R. Quintana, and J. S. Gilmore, Science, 233: 339-341(1986).
78. Generic Assessment of Steep-Slope Sea Bed Environments, with W. C. Schwab, T. E. Chase, W. R. Normark, and B. A. Seekins: U. S. Geological Survey Open File Report 86-333, 43p. plus 58 l. (1986)
79. Chemostratographic Analysis across a Jurassic Extinction event in the Yorkshire Toarcian (abs.), with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Quinby-Hunt, K. Rice, C. J. Orth, J. S. Gilmore, and L. R. Quintana: Geological Society of America Abstracts with programs 1986, p. 789,(1986)
80. The role of Oceanographic Factors in the generation of Global Bio-Events, with W. B. N. Berry: Global Bio-Events O. Walliser (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 75-91, (1986).
1987 81. Model of progressive ventilation of the Late Precambrian-Early Paleozoic Ocean: American Journal of Science, 287: 442-459, (1987).
82. Potential Environmental Impacts of Closed-Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and D. Sloan: Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 7: 169-198, (1987).
83. Turbidity Currents on Steep-Slopes: Application of an Avalanche-type Numeric Model, with A. T. Dengler: Ocean Engineering, 14: 409-433, (1987). pdf Format
84. The Oceanic Non-Sulfidic Oxygen Minimum zone: A habitat for Graptolites, with W. B. N. Berry and M. S. Quinby-Hunt: Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 35: 103-114, (1987).
85. Modeling of Dissolved Elements in Sea Water, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt: Ocean Science and Engineering, 11: 153-251, (1987). pdf Format
86. Review of North Atlantic Palaeoceanography by C. Summerhayes and N. Shackleton: Palaios, 2: 302-303.
87. Use of the Cerium Anomaly in Black Shales - Climatic interpretation in the Ordovician-Silurian boundary interval, (abst.) with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Quinby-Hunt, and C. J. Orth: Abstracts with Progam, 1987 Annunal Meeting, Geological Society of America, Phoenix, p. 587, (1987).
88. Southern New Brunswick - A Balto-Scandian Terrane in the Tremadoc (Ordovician) Iapetus Ocean? (abst.) with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Quinby-Hunt, and C. J. Orth: Abstracts with Progam, 1987 Annunal Meeting, Geological Society of America, Phoenix, p. 890, (1987).
89. Primordial origin of the oceanic Rubey Volatiles as a consequence of accretion of ice-sulfur planetesmals, (abst.): EOS, 68: no. 44, 1337, (1987).
1988 91. Comment on "Sulfur-isotope anomaly associated with the Frasnian- Flamennian extinction, Medicine Lake, Alberta", by Geldsetzer and others; with W. B.N. Berry: Geology, 16: 86-88, (1988)
92. The use of statistical filters on chemical data in determining chronozonal boundaries, with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Quinby-Hunt: 1988 Annual Meeting Geological Society of America, v. 20(7): 219; (1988)
93. The redox-related facies of black shales, with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Quinby-Hunt and C. J. Orth: 1988 Annual Meeting Geological Society of America, 20 (7): 193; (1988)
94. Eastern Tropical Pacific Denitrification Zone: Modern Oceanic analog for Lower Paleozoic black shales, with W. B. N. Berry, M. S. Quinby-Hunt: 1988 Annual Meeting Geological Society of America, 20(7): 329; (1988)
95. Collision with Ice-Volatile Bolides: Geological Implications, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and W. B. N. Berry: In Global Catastrophes in Earth History, 215-216; (1988).
96. Late Wenlock (Middle Silurian) Bio-Events: Causation by volatile boloid impact/s?, with W. B. N. Berry and M. S. Quinby-Hunt: In Global Catastrophes in Earth History, 13-14; (1988)
97. Marine Topography of Offshore Tutuila Island, Samoa Islands, with T. E. Chase, W. R. Normark, C. E. Gutmacker, B. A. Seekins, K. E. Lund and S. C. Vatil: Geological Society of America, Map and Chart Series, MCH068; (1988). Side 1, Side 2
1989 98. Palaeo-Oceanography and Bio-Geography in the Tremadoc (Ordovician) Iapetus Ocean and the Origin of the Chemostratigraphy of Dictyonema flabelliforme Black Shales, W. B. N. Berry and M. S. Quinby-Hunt: Geological Magazine, 126, 19-27; (1989).
99. Elemental Geochemistry of Black Shales. I. Low Calcic Shales, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, W. B. N. Berry and C. J. Orth: U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1037: Metalliferous Black Shales and Related Ore Deposits, R. I. Grauch and J. S. Leventhal (eds.), p. 8-15.
100. Early Paleozoic Anoxitropic Biotopes, with W. B. N. Berry and M. S. Quinby-Hunt.: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimalology Palaeoecology, v. 74, p. 3-13. pdf format
101. Vertical Advection from Oxic or Anoxic waters from the main pycnocline, as a cause of Rapid Extinctions or Rapid Radiations, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and W. B. N. Berry: Proceedings 3rd Bio-Events Conference, E. Kauffman and O. Walliser ed., Berlin, Springer-Verlag; 85-98. (1989)
102. Ordovician-Silurian graptolite extinctions: rates patterns and causal mechanisms, with W. B. N. Berry and M. S. Quinby-Hunt: in press in Proceedings 3rd Bio-Event Conference, E. Kauffman and O. Walliser ed., Berlin, Springer-Verlag; 115-123. (1989)
103. Maintenance of Anoxic Oceanic Conditions by Thalassocratic Ridge Circulation and Coincidence of formation of Pangea with Oceanic Ventilation in Paleozoic, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and W. B. N. Berry: International Geologic Congress Proceedings (Washington), (3) 358-359. (1989).
1990 104. Graptolite biogeography: implications for palaeogeography and palaeoceanography, with W.B.N. Berry, in Palaeozoic palaeogeography and biogeography, W. S. McKerrow and C. R. Scotese, Memior Geological Society of London, v. 12, p. 129-137. (1990)
1991 105. Oceanography in the Ordovician, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt: In Advances in Ordovician Geology, C. R. Barnes and S. H. Williams eds., Canadian Geological Survey Paper 90-9. p. 283-298. (1991)
106. The Provenance of Low-Calcic Black Shales, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and W. B. N. Berry, Mineralium Deposita, v. 26, p. 113-121 (1991) .
107. Silurian oceanic and atmospheric circulation and chemistry, with W.B.N. Berry and M.S. Quinby-Hunt, in The Murchinson Symposium; proceedings of an international conference on the Silurian System, M. G. Bassett, P. D. Lane, and D. Edwards, Special Papers in Palaeontology, v. 44, p. 123-143. (1991)
1992 108. Geochemical indication of eustatic sea level changes using the whole rock Cerium anomaly, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, and B.-D. Erdtmann. 29th International Geological Congress Proceedings, v. 1, p. 94.
109. Depositional Environments of Marine Black Shales, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 29th International Geological Congress Proceedings, v. 3, p. 788.
110. Lower Paleozoic Sea Surface Temperature Calculations, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 29th International Geological Congress Proceedings, v. 3, p., 954
111. Thermodynamic zonation in the Black Shale facies based on Iron-Manganese-Vanadium content, Chemical Geology, v. 113, p. 297-327 (1994).
112. Map showing bottom topography of the Pacific continental margin, Point Conception to Point Loma, with Chase, T. E. W. R. Normark, G. I. Evenden, C. P. Miller, B. A. Seekins, J. D. Young, M. S. Grim, and C. J. Lief, U. S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigation Series Map I-2089-C (1992).
1993 113. Mass Failures initiated by Hurricane Iwa, Kahe Point, Oahu, Hawaii, with W. R. Normark, J. F. Campbell, T. E. Chase, and B. Tsutsui, In: Selective Studies in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, W. C. Schwab, H. J. Lee and D. Twishell (eds.) U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin, 2002, 197-204 (1993)
114. Oceanic Anoxia along the Pacific Rim, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, (abst.) VIIth Pacific Inter-Congress, Okinawa, June-July 1993.
1994 115. Marine sedimentary trace metal variations as a function of paleogeographic latitude and primary production: Examples from the black shale record, (ABST) with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, in Special Symposium, Marine Trace-element Biogeochemistry of the Sedimentary Record, Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Seattle, Oct 1994, p. A-24 (1994)
116. Collision with ice-volatile objects: Geologic Implications. with M. S. Quinby-Hunt. (ABST.) IUGS-IGCP-293: Geochemical Event Markers in the Phanerozoic: What are the causes of Catastrophic Global Events and Widespread Anoxia, September 1994, Erlangen, Germany
117. Econometric Models of Global Warming Emission Scenarios. with M. S. Quinby-Hunt. (ABST.) EOS, v. 75, no. 44, p. 599. Expanded Abstract as pdf
1995 118. Modelling anoxia for water quality measurements in marine and estuarine environments, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt (ABST.) 1995 World Conference on Natural Resources, July 1995, Pietermarizburg, South Africa.
119. Climate Forcing by Marine Methane Clathrates during the Lower Paleozoic? with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, (ABST) EOS, v. 76, no. 46, p. F306.
1996 120. Chemical depositional environments of calcic marine black shales, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, Economic Geology, v. 91, p. 4-13. (1996)
121. The Whole Rock Cerium Anomaly: A potential Indicator of Eustatic Sea Level Changes in shales of the Anoxic Facies, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and B.-D. Erdtmann, Sedimentary Geology, v. 101, p. 45-53. (1996)
122. Methane clathrate outgassing and anoxic expansion in Southeast Asian deeps due to global warming. with M. S. Quinby-Hunt. (ABST.) Fifth Symposium on Our Environment, June 1995, Singapore. Full Text in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment , v. 44, p. 149-153. (1997) .
123. Prediction of Potentially Metalliferous Organic-Rich Shales Locales Using Paleo-Oceanographic and Paleo-Geographic Techniques: with M.S. Quinby-Hunt and B.-D. Erdtmann, In Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration Where do they meet? H. Papunen (ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam, p. 125-128.(1997)
124. Collisions with ice/volatile objects: Geological implications-A qualitative treatment. with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 132, p. 47-63. (1997)
125. Paradoxes in the phase relationships considering redox pathways from anoxic muds to variably oxic metapelitic schists. with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and C. V. Guidotti, (ABST) Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 29, no. 6, A-450. (1997)
126. Gas Hydrate modelling in the Lower Paleozoic and the onset and termination of glacial events with M. S. Quinby-Hunt (extended Abstract), Mineralogical Magazine, v. 62A, p. 1658-1659 (1998)
127. Redox-pH Zonation on Oceanic sediments through time with M. S. Quinby-Hunt (ABST) Geological Society of America Abstracts with Program, v. 30, no. 7, A-374. (1998)
128. Molybdenum as an indicator of original organic content in ancient anoxic sediments with M.S. Quinby-Hunt and T.W. Lyon, Geological Society of American Abstracts with Program, v. 33, no. 6, A39. (2001)
129. Neutron-Induced prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) of metals and non-metals in ocean floor geothermal vent-generated samples with Perry, D. L., G. Molnar, Zs. Revay, Zs. Kasztovszky, R. C. Gatti, and R. B. Firestone, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, v. 17, p. 32-37. (2002)
2003 130 Trace Metal Mobility/Sediment maturity in black shales derived from variation of Carbon proxy values: V, Mo, Zn: with Lyons, T. W. and Quinby-Hunt, M. S. Abstract presented October 2003 meeting of the Geological Society of America, Seattle, Washington. [2003]
131 Covarying molybdenum and organic carbon distributions in organic-rich sediments and sedimentary rocks with Lyons, T. W., A.D. Anbar, B. Gill, S.R. Meyers, B.B. Sageman, A.M. Cruse, Abstract presented at Goldschmidt Conference, Kurashiki, Japan September 2003. [2003]
2004 132 Organic proxies in Black Shales: Molybdenum, with T. W. Lyons and M. S. Quinby-Hunt, Chemical Geology, v. 206, p. 167-176. [2004]
2005 133 Centaurs and Icy Body impacts on Ocean volumes and chemistry through time, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, Abstract EGU05-A-05950 given at European Geosciences Union Meeting, Vienna, Austria, April 25, 2005. [2005] Power Point Presentation of Poster
134 Redox Zonation in the Anoxic Ocean, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, Abstract and Vertical Calculator: for Earth System Processes 2, Calgary, Canada, August, 2005. [2005]
135 Sulfur Proxies in type III Black Shales: Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Sc, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt and T. W. Lyons, Expanded Abstract Siever Symposium: Salt Lake Geological Society of America Meeting, October, 2005. [2005] Power Point Presentation
2008 136 Elemental Chemical Zonation of Black Shales revisited -- Application to Petroleum Source rocks?, with M. S. Quinby-Hunt, Expanded Abstract Mud Rocks Symposium: Houston, Texas, Geological Society of America Meeting, October 2008 [2008] Power Point Presentation.
2008 137 Paradoxes and perceptions in color identification of paleo-redox conditions in peletic rocks, M. S. Quinby-Hunt, 2009, in draft